What To Expect At Your First Audiology Appointment

If you feel like you have a hearing loss, or you family is constantly telling you that you have a hearing problem, it may be time to have your hearing checked.  This may be a scary time, but there is nothing to fear! Dr. Leigh Hogan will put you at ease.  

What is an Audiologist?
An Audiologist is a licensed hearing health care professional who specializes in evaluating, diagnosing and treating hearing, tinnitus and balance disorders for people of all ages.  Your Audiologist is instrumental in helping you navigate the selection of your hearing device to help improve your quality of life.

What testing will be administered?

Otoscopy: Visual examination of the ear canal to check for wax or other signs of abnormalities.  

Tympanometry: A pressure test to check the flexibility of your eardrum

Acoustic Reflexes: An involuntary muscle contraction that occurs in the middle ear in response to a high intensity sound

Comprehensive Audiological Evaluation: 
The goal of a Comprehensive Audiological Evaluation is to give your Audiologist a complete picture of YOUR unique hearing loss. Combined with a thorough case history, your Audiologist can determine the appropriate treatment for you.  

Air Conduction: Earphones or insert will be placed in your ears. You will then be placed in a sound proof test booth, where you will be asked to identify the faintest tone you can hear at different pitches.

Pure Tone Bone Conduction: This test uses a small vibrator behind the ear that bypasses any middle ear blockage and sends tones directly to organ of hearing.

Speech Reception: This test will help determine the faintest level at which you can understand spoken words.

Speech Testing: This will check your ability to understand spoken words in quiet or noisy environments in a controlled setting.

The entire Audiological test takes approximately 20-30 minutes.  Following the testing, Dr. Leigh will go over your results with you and address any of your question and concerns.  It’s at this time that she will also address any underlying medical issues or hearing aid solutions.

 At Hear Well Audiology you can be assured that you are getting the best care for you hearing health. 
Call Dr. Leigh Hogan at (504) 616-8919 to set up your appointment for a Comprehensive Audiological Evaluation today!